Where Culture Gets a Wicked Twist

Where Culture Gets a Wicked Twist

2024’s Six Million Dollar Man isn’t the weirdo you think he his: How Bryan Johnson can help us ‘biohack’ our way to better health

If you thought chasing immortality was strictly sci-fi or dystopian daydreaming, think again. Meet Bryan Johnson, the man with enough cash and determination to literally reverse time—on himself. His name is now practically synonymous with the buzzword biohacking, and let’s just say, he’s not interested in aging “gracefully.” Oh no, that’s way too basic. Johnson is aiming for something much bolder—eternal youth. Or, at the very least, a body that functions like his teenage son’s. (Yes, you read that right.)


“If we slowed the speed of ageing… it could change what it means to be human.” #Aging #Ageing#OldAge #BryanJohnson #Technology #Enterpreneur #California #BBCNews

♬ original sound – BBC News – BBC News

So, what exactly is biohacking? In simple terms, it’s the idea that you can trick biology into working harder for you. But this isn’t just about getting fitter or healthier—it’s about hacking the aging process itself. The thinking goes that if you throw enough time (and let’s be honest, money) at it, you can sidestep the inevitable wrinkles, aches, and greying hair. Johnson has turned this entire concept into his life’s work, becoming a human guinea pig for his self-coined anti-aging program “Blueprint Protocol.” And at a casual $2 million a year, it’s not exactly your average wellness plan.

While some people dabble in biohacking with things like intermittent fasting or ice baths, others—like Johnson—go full-on “Six Million Dollar Man” with cutting-edge therapies, supplements, and experimental procedures.


This machine is the equivalent of 20k sit-ups in 30 mins. Full protocol on my profile

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

Another step closer to extending human lifespan. Full video in bio.

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

Johnson first made waves in 2023 with one of the most headline-grabbing hacks out there: a series of plasma transfusions. But this wasn’t your garden-variety blood swap; Johnson went big. Six months of 1-liter transfusions, all in the name of turning back the clock. And one of those transfusions? It came from his then 17-year-old son. Because nothing says “family bonding” like using your kid’s blood to try and Benjamin Button yourself into eternal youth.

Johnson isn’t just stopping at plasma, though. He’s poured millions into his Project Blueprint, a rigorous (borderline obsessive?) regimen of everything from calorie restriction and medical treatments to sleep-tracking and meditation, all with the endgame of resetting his biological clock. According to his latest numbers, Johnson claims that he’s achieved an internal age decades younger than his actual age.


Here’s how I achieved optimal health and broke a world record in rejuvination. Now, you can build your autonomous self too. Link in bio.

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

While Johnson’s biohacking adventure makes for some great headlines, the experts aren’t fully convinced that he’s cracked the code to forever youth. In fact, most scientists think we’re still years—decades, maybe even centuries—away from figuring out how to genuinely turn back the aging process in a meaningful way. Plasma transfusions, like the ones Johnson’s touting, have shown some potential in mouse studies, but human results? Eh, let’s just say the data isn’t as flattering as the headlines would have you believe.

According to Dr. David Sinclair, a professor of genetics at Harvard Medical School and a leading voice in the aging research field, plasma transfusions are intriguing but still largely experimental in humans. “We haven’t yet found the magic bullet for aging,” Sinclair explains. “There’s a lot we don’t understand, and while these approaches might slow down some aspects of aging, reversing it is a whole other game” .

Critics argue that Johnson’s aggressive approach might be more about media hype than science. Dr. Michael Joyner, a physiologist at the Mayo Clinic, calls much of biohacking “an expensive placebo,” noting that we’re nowhere near having the technology to halt, let alone reverse aging.

Despite the backlash from health experts, Johnson remains undeterred. He’s fully embraced his role as a human lab rat in the pursuit of longevity—not just for himself, but for all of humanity. And he’s not shy about it, either. In fact, he’s crafted a bold slogan for his brand: “Don’t Die.” It’s a mantra that perfectly captures his unapologetic quest to defy time, positioning himself as the ultimate guinea pig for biohacking’s future potential.

Let’s be real—while Bryan Johnson might seem a bit on the kooky side, you’ve got to admire his commitment to health. Is it over-the-top? Absolutely. Most of us don’t have millions of dollars to throw at advanced medical-grade equipment in the name of eternal youth. Heck, getting an MRI approved by your insurance is like pulling teeth these days. But through Johnson’s wacky experiments, we get a front-row seat to see how these cutting-edge methods might actually play out. He’s essentially doing the extreme biohacking none of us could afford—and, in a way, we’re all kind of along for the ride.

But beyond all the pricey gadgets, gizmos, and his 70 pounds of vegetables per month, one of the top things Johnson swears by for prolonging life is something we all do—and bonus, it’s completely free. For him, sleep is the cornerstone of his anti-aging mission. Sure, we all know sleep is important, but Bryan being Bryan, he’s taken bedtime to a whole new level of seriousness. His sleep routine is meticulously regimented because, of course, nothing about Johnson’s approach is casual.

No surprise here—sleep is a no-brainer (literally). We all know it’s essential, and it’s the key time when our bodies rejuvenate. But seeing Johnson’s extreme sleep practices laid out like this might just inspire us to skip that pre-bedtime snack and stop the late-night TikTok doom scrolling. If he can take sleep this seriously, maybe it’s time we all put a little more effort into catching quality Z’s too.

Moving on to Johnson’s diet—no shocker, it’s as extreme and regimented as you’d expect. And trust me, it’s going to cost way more than your typical Walmart grocery run. But here’s the thing: Johnson’s diet really makes you rethink the food you’re putting into your body. For him, every single calorie is meticulously calculated for its impact on his health. There’s not a morsel of food that makes it past his lips unless it’s packing a serious punch for his longevity goals.

The best part? He actually shares many of his tried-and-true health recipes online—for free! So, if you want to get a taste of how this Six Million Dollar Man fuels himself, it’s just a click away.


20 minute meal? Look no further than Super Veggie. Recipes free online (link in bio)

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

Every calorie has to fight for its life. A process were refined over years to maximally slow my speed of aging.

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

Of course, another major pillar in Johnson’s quest for eternal youth is exercise. Yes, that activity some of us dread but is absolutely crucial for staying healthy. While some of us hop on a treadmill and mindlessly binge Netflix, Johnson is taking his workouts to a whole other level. If you’re ready to elevate your routine and get on Bryan’s level, you’re in luck—he’s shared plenty of videos featuring his most impactful moves to get your body in tip-top shape. Time to ditch the excuses and start sweating like a biohacker!


Learning new exercises with Andy Galpin

♬ original sound – Blueprint Bryan Johnson

While Johnson’s intense focus on sleep, diet, and exercise is insightful, it’s just scratching the surface. On his social media, he shares nearly every aspect of his journey to turn back the clock—from supplements and oral care practices to all the wild medical experiments he puts himself through. He’s inviting us all to watch as he tests the boundaries of what’s possible in the name of anti-aging.

Sure, some might argue his approach is extreme, but you can’t deny he’s making us rethink what the aging process could look like as we move forward. And the best part? He’s doing it all with his own money—and on himself. No lab rats here.

Whether Bryan Johnson will outlive us all remains to be seen, but one thing’s for sure—he’s literally going to die trying.

Till next time, be wickedly wonderful.

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4 hours ago

So that’s how queers reproduce.

Mrs. Sunshine
Mrs. Sunshine
4 hours ago

My intuition tells me that guy is creepy and not to trust him. Also there are some serious flaws in his diet…

I knew he is propaganda BS when I read he eats 70lbs of vegetables per month. In case you don’t already know, vegetables although commonly classed as being in the “vegetable group”, are actually a sub group of carbohydrates. His ridiculous supplements are an insufficient substitute for the complex God engineered nutrient matrix one gets from naturally occurring saturated fats and proteins.

He is taking something so simple and complicating with $2M per year wasted for what? So people don’t eat meat while he gets attention from people that will take little pieces of what they can afford and harm themselves in the process.

So, despite what he says, he is a TOFI… Thin on the outside, fat on the inside. In other words, chronic metabolic syndrome; symptoms masked with lies and artificial inadequate oil based chemical compounds which will one day catch up to him and he will quickly deteriorate and drop dead before he hits aged 70.

You want a long healthy life? Exercise every day in the sun and cook your meals at home with natural ingredients, Only use naturally occurring saturated fats such as grass fed beef tallow, ghee, lard and coconut oil. NO SEED OILS, NO VEG OILS, no processed foods, no artificial sweeteners and don’t drink anything containing calories.

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